September 2019

The human soul does not merely hunger for beauty, but that we feel most alive in the presence of what is beautiful. It returns us often in fleeting but sustaining moments to our highest selves.
— John O'Donoghue


“Don’t overthink things in front of you. If it moves you, shoot it. If it’s fun, shoot it. If you’ve never seen it before, shoot it.”
— Jay Maisel
(C) Summer Murdock | Photographer

(C) Summer Murdock | Photographer


January 2017

As photographers, we all know that exciting feeling when we see something happening in front of our eyes that we could have never planned for. Can we capture it before the composition breaks up and the image is gone? Focus on the now – a detail, an expression, an action, a feeling. Let go of any expectations you have and just SEE what is happening in front of you!amy-rodriquezAmy Rodríguezannie-manglesonAnnie Manglesonkimberli-fredricksKimberli Fredericksstacey-craftStacey Ilysekatie-brenkertKatie Brenkertmandy-jane-dalbyAmanda Jane Dalbymin-mohdMin Mohdkarlee-hooperKarlee Hooper© Summer MurdockSummer Murdockcourtney-keimCourtney Keimandrea-frenechikAndrea Ferenchik‎caroline-hodgeCara Hodgeangerl-ramseyAngela Ramseyjennifer-chaseJennifer Hughesesther-doraEsther Dorasonjia-stichSonia Stichmary-pat-reeveMary Pat Reevenorleena-hortonNorleena Hortoncelenia-baileyCelina Baileyamanda-fraserAmanda Fraserlerin-wheelessLerin Wheelessmariah-evansMariah Evansmaria-russellMaria Russellsherine-smithSherine Smithcaitly-tynerCaitlin Tyner‎

December 2016

“Traditions are important in building strong family relationships between generations. Traditions are stories, beliefs, rituals and customs that are passed from one generation to the next. ... Being a part of the special things our family does, helps us to have that sense of belonging.“ Amy Griswold, Family Life Educatorjennifer-chaseJennifer Chasekarlee-hooperKarlee Hooperceleina-baileyCelina Baileysarah-swansonSarah Swansonjanet-crouchJanet Crouchabigail-faheyAbigail Faheychelsea-feldmanChelsea Feldman‎justine-de-fedeJustine Di Fedemariah-evansMariah Evanscarol-hornCarol Hornshokefah-soraShokofeh Sorasarah-hayesSarah Hayessarah-keeneSarah Keene‎cass-kigginsCass Kigginskensie-yarbroudhKensie Mase Yarbrough‎kerry-leeKerry Leebeth-crossmanBeth Crossmanliesle-sandayLiesel Sandyashely-wattersAshley Watersnicloe-hensleyNicole Hensleysarah-salemSarah Salememma-collinsEmma Collins(C) Summer Murdock | PhotographerSummer Murdock


“What I’m saying is I think life is staggering and we’re just used to it. We all are like spoiled children no longer impressed with the gifts we’re given—it’s just another sunset, just another rainstorm moving in over the mountain, just another child being born, just another funeral.” Donald MillerlaurafinleyLaura FinleykasskigginsCass KigginsSara*LappeSara LappemichelledianeMichelle DiannelexibrennerLexi Brennerchandra sandovalChandra SandovalAmanda BrookeAmanda BrookemonicahartMonica Hartmeganhooks http:::www.meganhooksphotography.comMegan Hookskellie brindleyKellie Brindleytanya limbTanya LimbnoralittleNora Littlenorlenena hortonNorleena HortonheatherchangHeather ChangkatiebrendkertKatie BrenkerttammyTammy WahlestherdoraEsther DorasarahhayesSarah HayesSiobhaininSiobhainin Seegerdanielle stevens photoDanielle StevensneekiryderNeeki Rydermariah evansMariah Evanscelenia baileyCelina BaileyErica MassinghamErica MassinghamAshleyWaters Waters kimberli fredreciksKimberli Frederickscara hodgeCara HodgesoniastichSonia Stich(C) Summer Murdock | PhotographerSummer Murdock 


“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I am paying attention and practicing gratitude.” Brene Brown

JanielleLens and Beauty emma morganEmma Morgan caroline hiodgeCara Hodge(C) Summer Murdock | PhotographerSummer Murdockemily mitchellEmily Mitchell23317448602_4789837991_kMonica Hartamanda fraserAmanda Fraserjessie authurJessie Arthurcindy hughesCindy Hughes23312308051_e02fcf20fc_oMonica McNeillexi brennerLexi Brenner23117405072_8d6fbbe75d_kRenee Jansenliesel sandayLiesel Sandymariah evansMariah EvanscelinabaileyCelina Baileykate cornfootKate Cornfootsonia stich http:::www.sonjastich.deSonia Stichsuzie zeimkieSuzie Zeimke

Mel Karlberg

Mel Karlberg

shonagh stockdael

Shonagh Stockdale

abigail fahiley

Abigail Fahey


Shelley Glimcher

katie bKatie Brenkert