
The neighborhood…

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say “It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”― Fred Rogers

carolinehodge Cara HodgeangelaramseyAngela RamseysarahswansonSarah Swanson estherdora Esther Young Doralensandbeauty Lens and BeautyreneejansenRenee JansenstacischnbrunoStaci SchonbrunLauraFinelyLaura FinleyRachelMccauleyRachel McCalleymariahevansMariah EvansmelissarowleyMelissa RowleytroyoyoderTroya YoderkatiebrenkertKatie Brenkert jessieauthur Jessie ArthurnikkiryderNeeki Ryderchantellsimm Chantell SimsaralappeSara Lappeemmamorgan_o Emma MorganshelleyfShelley SchuettenicolaberryNicola BerrybrendamckenneyBrenda McKenneymamabirdladyMary Pat ReevecareypaceCarey Pace© Summer MurdockSummer Murdock


I have dreamed in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind.Emily Bronte

Amy NowakAmy NowakShonaghShonagh Stockdale16501362208_a54fa31d5b_oLens and BeautyDCIM100GOPROKathryn Jewkes16812209501_819205f1d0_bRobin BonnerMariaRusselMaria Russell16918050362_da349f3808_oMichelle DianneKatieBrenkertKatie Brenkert16810353721_06598a8697_bCate Wnek© renee jansenRenee JansenTrica BoveyTricia Bovey16920453315_6c26f49252_kStaci Schonbrun16137784503_bfbc69e5d9_oSiobhainin  SeegerHannah SandersfeldHannah Sandersfeld16628370547_0ccfc3cb55_bSuzie ZeimkeShelleyFShelley Schuette16921062991_4fbd943dde_oLaura Finley16688919339_445d5f0f81_oAmy Rodriguez16971447871_66fc5877f1_oSummer Murdock16925972391_717e2f05ba_oLaura NenonuSaraLappeSara Lappe 


“Shadow is the obstruction of light. Shadows appear to me to be of supreme importance in perspective, because, without them opaque and solid bodies will be ill defined; that which is contained within their outlines and their boundaries themselves will be ill-understood unless they are shown against a background of a different tone from themselves.”

Leonardo da Vinci

16431802019_2ed53ef227_bNicole Lattanzi16189680577_df980030b9_bNeeki RyderestherEsther Young DorareneeRenee Jansen16342535017_40b9b83d36_oLens and Beauty16464816859_eb5b8451fc_o Liesel Sandy15998646654_348d7809bc_oCaroline Hodge16458107840_6b4b988451_k Heidi Heaphy16454946037_834bbd4110_bAmy Nowak16414615971_5f181eb45a_oChantell Sim of Chasing TydeskatieKatie Ramey16310306119_660c51dd15_oKathryn Jewkes16262731810_102fa3c34c_k

Carey Pace


Katie Brenkert 


 Elle Mermelstein

16011815884_e4893be243_o Emma Morgan


Rachel McCalley


Janet Crouch

© Summer Murdock

Summer Murdock


Suzie Zeimke

sarahhayesSarah Hayes


“There is a crack in everything, that is how the the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen


Carey PaceCarolina GonzalezCarolina GonzalezChantel SimChantell Sim 15610851824_2c358d8a6b_oKatie Brenkert16212951446_942dba7ff5_oNicole Lattanzi15568645423_de54b75643_oEsther Dora16329893935_d8d132f884_oLori Dozier16274923011_afd6cf8b36_oAmy Rodriguez 2015-02-02_0001Janielle Vergne-Granstaff of Lens and Beauty16336538532_27f10cbf81_oTroya YoderRachel McCaulleyRachel McCalley16238593931_888f93fd6f_oSiobhainin Leavey Seeger16344462552_022434f0d6_bJodi Bradleyemily mitchellEmily Mitchell 16093492168_1841b51ba9_oCaroline HodgemelissarowleyMelissa Rowley16232736091_e58659b8af_oSummer Murdock16263220111_27001e6f93_kMariah EvansScreenshot 2015-01-30 22.44.33 copyMaria RussellemmamorganEmma Morgan15777310604_d14f02bdbd_oSuzie ZiemkeThis is our first monthly post of many. To read more about our purpose go here. Be sure to come back on the last day of every month for our latest highlights.